Najbolji dio dana da popijete svoju omiljenu soljicu kafe.

Najbolji dio dana da popijete svoju omiljenu soljicu kafe

Većina ljudi misli da je mirisnu šoljicu kafe najbolje popiti čim se probudite, ali ipak postoji bolji trenutak ispijanja ovog napitka. Ukoliko želite da iskoristite sve prednosti koje on nudi, nikako ne treba piti kafu odmah nakon budjenje vec bi to trebalo uraditi sat vremena nakon sto se probudite. U tom trenutku proizvodnja kortizola u tijelu je na jednom od tri vrhunca u toku dana, pokazali su rezultati klinicke studije. Kortizol se inace smatra “hormonom stresa” jer se luči u većim količinama kada osjećamo napetost, ali isto tako nas drži budnim . Kada konzumiramo kofein dok je tijelo na vrhuncu proizvodnje kortizola uči tijelo da proizvodi manje kortizola. Dakle,  da bi ste u potpunosti iskoristili efekte koje kafa nudi prvu šoljicu pijte sat vremena nakon budjenja . Drugi vrhunac proizvodnje kortizola je oko 13 časova, a zatim oko 17 časova. Turska kafa je omiljena kafa balkanskih naroda kao i zemalja Bliskog istoka. Izvorna turska kafa se priprema tako što se mljevena kafa i šećer stave u šoljicu i preliju vrelom vodom. Ako se kafi dodaje mlijeko onda ga treba dodati vruće a ne hladno kako bi se izbjeglo hladjenje napitka i gubitak fine arome kafe.

The best part of the day to drink your favorite cup of coffee.

Most people think that a cup of coffee is best drunk as soon as you wake up, but there is still a better time to drink it. If you want to take advantage of all the benefits it offers, you should not drink coffee immediately after waking up, but you should do it an hour after you wake up.  At that point, cortisol production in the body is at one of three peaks during the day, the results of a clinical study showed.  Cortisol is otherwise considered a “stress hormone” because it is secreted in larger amounts when we feel tension, but it also keeps us awake.  When we consume caffeine while the body is at the peak of cortisol production it teaches the body to produce less cortisol.  So, to take full advantage of the effects that coffee offers, drink the first cup an hour after waking up.  The second peak of cortisol production is around 1 pm, and then around 5 pm.  Turkish coffee is a favorite coffee of the Balkan peoples as well as the countries of the Middle East.  Original Turkish coffee is prepared by putting ground coffee and sugar in a cup and pouring hot water over it.  If milk is added to the coffee then it should be added hot rather than cold to avoid cooling the beverage and losing the fine aroma of the coffee.


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