

About Montenegro

Montenegro is country that is located in the Balkan,on the Adriatic coast.It borders Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the north, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo to the east and Albania to the south.In the west it faces the Adriatic Sea.

Although small in territory, Montenegro is rich in natural beauty.It is a country full of contrasts.

At a distance of only 100 kilometers Montenegrins and  tourists have the opportunity to swim in the sea, rafting on rivers, hiking or skiing in the mountains-all in one day.It is full of beautiful cities and each one is special and different.Some of them are:

Podgorica-the capital and largest city in Montenegro, is experiencing great architectural prosperity in recent years.

Budva-the most popular summer resort with long beaches and dynamic nightlife.

Žabljak-the center of Montenegrin mountain tourism.

Like nature ,the history of MNE is very vivid.Each part of MNE will tell the curious traveler various interesting stories from every period-from the grand Roman Empire to modern times.Although quite small in area , this proud country has a lot to say about its history.

„ At the time of the creation of the planet, the most beautiful connection between land and sea  happened on the Montenegrin coast...“ Lord Byron once wrote.


O Crnoj Gori

Crna Gora  je zemlja Balkana,koja leži na obali Jadranskog mora.Na zapadu se graniči sa Hrvatskom i Bosnom i Hercegovinom, na sjeveroistoku sa Srbijom, Kosovom na istoku i Albanijom na jugu.Zapadno je zapljuskuje Jadransko more.

Iako mala teritorijom ,Crna Gora obiluje prirodnom ljepotom.To je zemlja  puna kontrasta.

Na razdaljini od samo 100 kilometara Crnogorci kao i turisti koji posjete Crnu Goru imaju priliku da plivaju u moru,iskuse rafting rijekama, planinare ili skijaju planinama, i to sve u jednom danu.

Gradovi u Crnoj Gori su svi lijepi a opet različiti. Kao što su:

Podgorica-glavni i najveći grad u Crnoj Gori, zadnjih godina doživljava pravi procvat arhiktekture.

Budva-najpopularnija ljetnja destinacija sa velikim i prelijepim plažama kao i dinamičnim noćnim životom.

Žabljak- centar Crnogorskog zimskog turizma.

Kao i priroda, istorija Crne Gore je veoma živopisna.Svaki predio Crne Gore će radoznalom putniku ispričati više interesantnih priča iz svakog perioda-od Rimskog carstva do modernog vremena.

Iako mala površinski ova ponosna zemlja ima veliku istoriju.

Lord Bajron je jednom napisao:

U trenutku postanka planete, najlepše spajanje zemlje i mora dogodilo se na Crnogorskoj obali…

About MONTENEGRO FOOD // Gastronomija Crne Gore

Generally speaking, Montenegrins are very proud of their culture and talk about it with a lot of passion. Tradition, art, music, language and food are the main elements of Montenegrin culture. Montenegrin cuisine is very diverse. This means that you will be able to expect different gastronomic specialties on the coast, in the mountains or in the central part of the country.  Although Montenegro is a relatively small country, there are obvious differences in gastronomy  between its areas.  So  seafood specialties are popular in places on the sea, while in the interior of Montenegro, meat and cheese are consumed more.

Montenegrin cuisine in the best way collects beauty of the Mediterranean and the treasures of the northern mountains.  It is true to tradition, and yet, open to experimentation.
 As a cold appetizer, the widely known Njegusi prosciutto and Njegusi cheese, Pljevlja cheese, mushrooms, priganice and dried bleak are inevitably served.  Dishes specific to the northern region are boiled lamb, lamb cooked in milk, cicvara, boiled potatoes with cheese and cream.  The selection of traditional recipes from the central part of the country and the coast includes kaštradina, dried or freshly prepared carp from Skadar Lake, as well as a large selection of fresh fish and seafood dishes.  Priganice is mostly served with honey, and dried figs are a traditional dessert in these parts of Montenegro.

 The origin of Montenegrin cuisine is uncertain, as we have admixtures of Italian, Greek and Turkish cuisine mixed with traditional Montenegrin, which makes it very unusual and exotic, and most importantly, delicious.  Another important aspect of culture is certainly  way they  prepare food. 

„I almost cried in front of the beauty of Montenegro.“  Petar Lubarda once wrote.


Crnogorci su veoma ponosni na njihovu kulturu i pričaju o njoj sa puno strasti.Tradicija, umjetnost, muzika, jezik i hrana su glavni elementi Crnogorske kulture.

Njihova kuhinja je veoma raznovrsna.To znači da ćete sresti različite gastronomske specijalitete kako na primorju tako drugačije na planinama a opet drugačije u centralnom dijelu zemlje.Iako je Crna Gora mala zemlja jasne su razlike ,u gastronomskom smislu izmedju njenih oblasti.Tako su morski specijaliteti popularni u mjestima pri moru, dok se u centralnom dijelu Crne Gore, meso i sirevi više konzumiraju.

Kuhinja Crne Gore je najbolji način da osjetite ljepotu Mediterana i blaga sjevernih planina.Vjerni su tradiciji, ali ipak, spremni i otvoreni ka novitetima.

Kao hladno predjelo,nadaleko poznati Njeguška pršuta i Njeguški sir, Pljevaljski sir, pečurke, priganice su obavezno posluženi.Jela specifična za sjevernu regiju su kuvana jagnjetina,jagnjetina kuvana u mlijeku,cicvara, kuvani krompir služen sa sirom i kajmakom.Izbor tradicionalnih recepata iz centralnog dijela zemlje i priobalja uključuje kaštardinu,sušenog ili svježe pripremljenog krapa iz Skadarskog jezera,kao i veliki izbor druge svježe ribe i morskih specijaliteta.Priganice koje  su najčešće služene sa medom i suve smokve su tradicionalne poslastice u Crnoj Gori.

Porijeklo Crnogorske kuhinje nije poznato,tu su  primjese Italijanske,Grčke kao  Turske kuhinje pomiješane sa tradicionalnom Crnogorskom kuhinjom,što ju čini veoma neobičnom i egzotičnom,ali što je najvažnije ukusnom.Još jedan važan aspekt kulture ove zemlje je sigurno i način kako se pripremaju svojan tradicionalna jela.

Skoro sam plakao pred ljepotom Crne Gore. Petar Lubarda


Podgorica is the capital city of Montenegro.It is located in the northern part of the Zeta valley,in the center of Montenegro,at the crossroads of several important roads leading from the sea to the mainland.Unlike most of the country,it is located in a mostly flat area surrounded by hills.One of those  hills is Gorica,after which Podgorica got its name.

Of special value and natural beauty of the city are the rivers Morača and Ribnica,which intersect the city in the north-south and east-west directions.

Podgorica's wild beauty is made of stone cave,canyons,clean and beautiful rivers,that sing songs to remember and their valleys create new unforgettable experiences.

The city is mix of old and new-New modern buildings and green spaces and parks,theaters,historic monuments,lot of beautiful hotels and restourants.It is the center of night life and cultural events.

Places that give a special value to the city are:Old Turkish town called „Stara Varoš“, Skaline, park Kralj Nikola, Hercegovačka street, Trg Republike, St. George's church, Millennium bridge, King Nikola's castle and many more places with a special story and emotions.

„Montenegrin country is best recognized by eagles in flight,poets,writers and palettes of painters.“

Dr Gracijela Čulić


Podgorica je glavni grad Crne Gore.Nalazi u sjevernom dijelu Zetske kotline,u središtu Crne Gore, na raskrsnici nekoliko značajnih putnih pravaca koji vode od mora ka kontinentalnom dijelu zemlje.Za razliku od većeg dijela zemlje,nalazi se u predjelu koji je uglavnom ravan,sa brdima koja okružuju grad. Jedno od tih brda je i brdo Gorica ,po kojem i sama Podgorica nosi naziv.

Posebnu vrijednost i ljepotu grada čine rijeke Morača i Ribnica koje sijeku grad u pravcima sjever-jug i istok-zapad.

Podgorica je bogata kamenim pećinama,kanjonima,čistim i bistrim rijekama,koje svojim brzacima i virovima pjevaju pjesme za pamćenje,a njihove plaže stvaraju nova nezaboravna iskustva.

Grad je mix starog i novog-nove moderne zgrade i zelene površine i parkovi, pozorišta i istorijski spomenici, puno lijepih hotela i restorana.Centar je noćnog života kao i kulturnih dešavanja.

Neka od mjesta koja gradu daju posebnu vrijednost su: Stara Varoš, Skaline, Park Kralja Nikole, Hercegovačka ulica, Trg Republike, Crkva Sv. Djordja, Most Milenijum, Dvorac Kralja Nikole i još mnogo mjesta koja čuvaju posebne priče i emocije.

– Crnogorsku zemlju najbolje prepoznaju orlovi u letu, pjesnici, pisci i palete slikara – 

Dr Gracijela Čulić


The culinary experience at FlyCoffee is enhanced by a courteous service and an appealing decor. The menu’s specialties, as combined with a pleasant atmosphere, are sure to satisfy your longing for delectable food enjoyed in the good company of friends.