Različita su mišljenja stručnjaka o tome da li bi trebalo da doručak bude jači u odnosu na ostale obroke ili bi ga čak trebalo preskočiti. Naime, dok jedni tvrde da bi doručak trebalo da bude definitivno najobimniji obrok u toku dana, ipak ima i onih koji smatraju da je sasvim dovoljno za doručak aunijeti samo voće, na primjer. Međutim, istina je kao i gotovo uvijek tu negdje između.

Iako se ranije nije dovodilo u pitanje da li je zdrava hrana važna ili ne, danas se sve više to pominje među ljudima. Možda i zbog toga što se u današnje vrijeme mnogi radije odlučuju da namirnice kupuju u specijalizovanim prehrambenim marketima, nego direktno od proizvođača. A još je manje onih, koji imaju mogućnost na primjer da jedu ono što sami zasade u svojoj bašti.

Poznato je da su naši stari imali običaj da kažu da je doručak potrebno pojesti sam, ručak podeliti sa prijateljima, a večeru bi trebalo podeliti sa neprijateljima.

A to zapravo znači da upravo doručak treba da bude najjači i najobimniji obrok u toku dana, prosto zato što je najbitniji i zato što ljudima daje snagu za sve aktivnosti, koje je potrebno da obave u toku tog dana. A što se tiče ručka, njega treba podeliti sa prijateljem i on treba da bude manje obiman, dok večeru ako je ikako moguće treba jednostavno preskočiti ili je dati neprijatelju.

Svakako je poželjno da zdrava hrana bude uvijek na tanjiru, koliko god da je to moguće u određenim situacijama. A to podrazumijeva da bi trebalo unositi isključivo namirnice organskog porekla, odnosno one, za koje znate gde su i na koji način gajene.

Ishrana bi trebalo da bude raznovrsna, a što se obimnosti tiče, svakako bi trebalo količinu prilagoditi potrebama svakoga ponaosob.

Naravno da doručak ne treba izbaciti, ali isto tako ne treba ni pretjerivati u količini, već jednostavno prilagoditi i unos namirnica i količinu energetskim potrebama svakog čoveka pojedinačno.



Experts do not have the same opinion on whether breakfast should be stronger than other meals or should even be skipped.  While some claim that breakfast should definitely be the most extensive meal during the day, there are still those who think that it is enough to eat only fruit for breakfast, for example.  However, the truth is, as almost always, somewhere in between.

Although earlier it was not questioned whether healthy food is important or not, today it is increasingly mentioned among people.  Maybe because nowadays, many people prefer to buy groceries in specialized food markets, rather than directly from the manufacturer.  And there are even fewer of them, who have the opportunity, for example, to eat what they plant  in their garden.

It is known that our ancestors used to say that breakfast should be eaten alone, lunch should be shared with friends, and dinner should be shared with enemies.

And that actually means that breakfast should be the strongest and most extensive meal during the day, simply because it is the most important and because it gives people the strength for all the activities that need to be done during that day.  As for lunch, it should be shared with a friend and it should be less extensive, while dinner, if at all possible, should simply be skipped or given to the enemy.

It is certainly desirable that healthy food is always on the plate, as much as possible in certain situations.  And that means that you should eat only food of organic origin, ie those for which you know where they are grown and in what way.

The diet should be varied, and in terms of volume, the amount should certainly be adjusted to the needs of each individual.

Of course, breakfast should not be eliminated, but it should also not be exaggerated in quantity, but simply adjust the intake of food and quantity to the energy needs of each person individually.


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