Zdrava hrana na putovanju na more

Zdrava hrana na putovanju na more

Ukoliko planirate putovanja, jedno od glavnih pitanja jeste pitanje o hrani, posebno ukoliko imate poseban režim ishrane, odnosno ukoliko praktikujete konzumiranje samo zdrave hrane.

Činjenica je da na putovanju može biti poprilično teško pridržavati se ustaljenog režima ishrane ali ono što za početak možete da uradite jeste da izbegnete lokalne pumpe i restorane brze hrane u trenucima kada vas savlada umor ili kad naprasno ogladnite nakon određene aktivnosti na putovanju.

Kada nadjete način kako da izbjegnete brzu, nezdravu hranu i nepotrebne masti i šećere koji vas neće dugo držati sitim, sigurno je da će vam boravak na odabranoj destinaciji biti znatno lakši i ljepši.

Jutro je period kada možete kombinovati sve – masti, proteine i ugljene hidrate.Na ovaj način, osećaćete se sitim mnogo duže nego da pojedete samo voćku ili popijete smuti, a samim tim ćete izbjeći nepotrebne nezdrave zalogaje.

Hotelski aranžmani nude veliki izbor hrane, uglavnom u vidu švedskog stola. U tom slučaju  preporuka je da doručak bude obilan iz razloga što je prvi i sigurno ćete ga “potrošiti” tokom dana. Treba jesti žitarice, integralna peciva, muslije i kaše, kao i neizbežni jogurt.

Mogu da prođu i slatki namazi na kraju obroka. Voće uzimati u vidu ceđenih sokova. Kafu je najbolje zameniti čajem, a preporučuje se zeleni čaj koji sadrži najviše antioksidanasa, topi masti i ubrzava metabolizam.

Ukoliko ste na moru potrudite se da jedete što više ribu i morske plodove, jer imate priliku da ih dobijete sveže. Izbegavajte hleb ili krompir uz ovu hranu, jer želucu je najveći problem da vari ugljene hidrate i belančevine u isto vrijeme.

Uz jedan ovakav obrok je obavezan tanjir salate koji bi trebalo da počnete nešto ranije da jedete ukoliko ne možete samu salatu da pojedete pre glavnog jela kako je najzdravije za naš organizam.

Tečnost se ne preporučuje uz jelo pa čašu vina ili piva treba ostaviti za kasnije večernje sate. Ručak možete da zamenite lubenicom ili drugim voćnim tanjirom. U tom slučaju je dozvoljena malo obilnija večera.

Healthy food on a trip to the sail

If you are planning trips, one of the main issues is the question of food, especially if you have a special diet, or if you practice consuming only healthy food.

The fact is that it can be quite difficult to follow a regular diet when traveling, but what you can do to begin with is to avoid local gas stations and fast food restaurants when you get tired or suddenly hungry after a certain activity on the trip.

When you find a way to avoid fast, unhealthy foods and unnecessary fats and sugars that will not keep you full for a long time, it is certain that your stay in the chosen destination will be much easier and more beautiful.

Morning is a period when you can combine everything – fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In this way, you will feel full for much longer than eating only fruit or drinking smoothies, and thus you will avoid unnecessary unhealthy snacks.

Hotel arrangements offer a large selection of food, mostly in the form of a buffet.  In that case, it is recommended that breakfast be plentiful because it is the first and you will surely “spend” it during the day.  You should eat cereals, wholemeal pastries, muesli and porridge, as well as the inevitable yogurt.

Sweet spreads at the end of the meal can also pass.  Take fruit in the form of squeezed juices.  It is best to replace coffee with tea, and green tea is recommended, which contains the most antioxidants, melts fats and speeds up metabolism.

If you are at sea, try to eat as much fish and seafood as possible, because you have the opportunity to get them fresh.  Avoid bread or potatoes with this food, because the biggest problem for the stomach is to digest carbohydrates and proteins at the same time.

Along with one such meal, a plate of salad is mandatory, which you should start eating a little earlier if you cannot eat the salad itself before the main meal, as it is the healthiest for our body.

Liquid is not recommended with food, so a glass of wine or beer should be left for later evening hours.  You can replace lunch with watermelon or another fruit plate.  In that case, a little more plentiful dinner is allowed.


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