Crna Gora

Jedinstvena Crna Gora

Jedinstvena Crna Gora, Unique Montenegro

Zašto je Crna Gora tako jedinstvena?

Perast, Crna Gora


Crna Gora, tj. “Crna planina”, je mala Balkanska i Evropska država sa oko 630000 stanovnika. Ima bogatu istoriju punu nasilnih konflikata u oslobodilačkim ratovima. Uostalom, kao i zemlje regiona. Važnije od toga, ima jedinstvenu istoriju punu primjera velike humanosti, herojstva i čojstva njenih istaknutih stanovnika. Pogotovo žena.

Bogata istorija se može vidjeti i po brojnim, uglavnom zapuštenim, spomenicima i tvrđavama. No, ono po čemu je Crna Gora jedinstvena je predivna raznolika priroda i bogatstvo biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. I to na veoma malom prostoru od 13812 km2 kopna i 4800 km2 mora.


Raznolikost krajolika, uglavnom krševitih, stvarala je i takve ljude. I planinske gorostase i prekookeanske moreplovce, često surove a ipak osjetljive. Izgrađivani su u stalnoj borbi za opstanak, ili kroz ratove ili kroz otimanje plodne zemlje od „kamenog mora“ radi prehranjivanja porodice ili kroz odlazak u inostranstvo “trbuhom za kruhom”.

Tako, prema procjenama, više Crnogoraca živi izvan Crne Gore nego u njoj. Procenjuje se da ima oko 500000 iseljenika. Npr. prema istraživanjima više od 2 miliona građana Srbije ima djelimično a dio i potpuno porijeklo iz Crne Gore. Samo u Turskoj ima oko 100000 iseljenika iz Crne Gore.

Ovu jedinstvenu malu Balkansku državu, osim prirode, karakteriše i različitost njenih stanovnika u pogledu nacija i vjera. U njoj žive Crnogorci, Srbi, Bošnjaci, Albanci, Hrvati i drugi. Takođe, većinski žive pravoslavci, onda pripadnici islamske vjere i katolici.

Gospa od Škrpjela – Perast, Crna Gora


Crna Gora je zemlja bogata sunčanim danima, čistim rijekama i obiljem vode. Takođe, šumama (69.4% teritorije Crne Gore su šume), čak i prašumama. Na njenoj teritoriji su rijetke biljne i životinjske vrste u bogatoj flori i fauni. U takvoj zemlji sigurno ćete pronaći svoje mjesto i nešto za sebe.
Npr. u Crnoj Gori je od 533 evropske vrste ptica, registrovano 352 vrste ili više od 65% ukupne ornitofaune Evrope.

U sljedećim tekstovima pokušat ćemo istaći neke zanimljive činjenice o Crnoj Gori. One koje je izdvajaju od drugih država. Ima Crna Gora i ne tako lijepih stvari, ali ovom prilikom ćemo ih preskočiti. 🙂

Crno Jezero – Durmitor, Crna Gora

Crna Gora je zemlja različitosti na svakom koraku. Ima nacionalne parkove: Lovćen, Durmitor, Skadarsko jezero, Prokletije, Biogradsku goru. Ima najljepše rijeke i jezera. Tirkizno Jadransko more i Bokokotorski zaliv, Budvansku rivijeru i veliku Ulcinjsku plažu. Stare gradove, panoramske puteve i duboke kanjone. Hiljadugodišnju istoriju, ratničku tradiciju, jedinstvenu kulturu, svjetske umjetnike, domaću najukusniju hranu i iskrenu dobrodošlicu njenih stanovnika. Šta god da želite pronaći i isprobati naći ćete dio sebe. Poželjećete da ostanete ili da se vratite opet.


Unique Montenegro

After all, why is Montenegro so unique?

Kotor, Montenegro


Montenegro, the Black Mountain, is a small Balkan and European country with about 630000 inhabitants. It has a unique history, full of violent conflicts in the liberation wars. As the entire Balkan region. More importantly, it has a unique history full of examples of the great humanity, heroism and chivalry of her inhabitants. Most importantly, women.

Zminje Lake – Durmitor, Montenegro

Montenegro history can be seen in numerous, unfortunately, mostly neglected monuments and fortresses. But unique beauty is because of the diverse nature and richness of flora and fauna. In a very small area of 13812 km2 of land and 4800 km2 of sea.


The diversity of landscapes, mostly rugged, has created characters of people, mostly mountain giants and overseas sailors. Often cruel but sensitive, they were in a constant struggle for survival. Either through wars or by snatching arable land from the “stone sea”, to feed themselves and their families, or through going abroad to look for a better living.

Thus, according to estimates, more emigrants from Montenegro live outside Montenegro than in it. It is estimated that about 500000 Montenegrins live outside Montenegro. For instance, according to researches, in Turkey there are about 100000 emigrants. In addition, more than 2 million citizens of Serbia have partial and part of them complete origin from Montenegro.

This unique small Balkan state is also characterised by the diversity of its inhabitants in terms of nations and religions. Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniaks, Albanians, Croats, etc. lives in it. The majority are Orthodox, than followers of the Islamic faith and Catholics.


Montenegro is the country with a high percentage of sunny days. It has clean rivers and plenty of water. Also, 69.4% of Montenegro’s territory is forests. It has even rain forests. Rare plant and animal species in rich flora and fauna.
In the country like that, you will surely find your place and something for yourself.
For instance, out of 533 European bird species, 352 species or more than 65% of the total European birds have been registered in Montenegro.

In the following texts, we will try to point out some interesting facts about Montenegro.
Furthermore, there are some not so beautiful things in Montenegro, but on this occasion we will skip them. 🙂

In conclusion, Montenegro is a country of diversity at every step.
It has 5 national parks: Lovćen, Durmitor, Skadar Lake, Prokletije and Biogradska gora. Within them, the most beautiful rivers and lakes. In addition, Turquoise Adriatic Sea and the Bay of Kotor, Budva Riviera and the large Ulcinj beach. Old towns, panoramic roads and deep canyons. Furthermore, a thousand-year history, a warrior tradition, a unique culture, world artists. Not to forget the most delicious local food and hospitable residents.

In short, whatever you want to find and try you will find a part of yourself. You’ll want to stay or come back again.


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