Zdrava Pasta

Zdrava Pasta Cover

lako se pasta često smatra neprijateljem vitkog tijela, za razliku od drugih ugljenih hidrata, špagete i makarone imaju nizak glikemijski indeks, zbog čega brže zasiti čoveka i duže ga drži sitim, čime se smanjuje i unos kalorija.

“Oslanjajući se na dokaze, sada sa sigurnošću možemo da kažemo da testenina nema neželjene efekte na kilažu, kada se konzumira u okviru zdrave ishrane”, kaže vodeći autor studije dr Džon Sivenpajper.

Govoreći o rezultatima, on kaže da je studija dokazala da “pasta ne doprinosi višku kilograma niti povećava količinu telesne masti”.

“Suprotno brigama, možda bi testenine mogle da budu deo zdrave ishrane, poput ishrane sa niskim glikemijskim indeksom”.

Majkl Mosli kaže da je za liniju bolje da pastu  jedete za večeru, nego tost za doručak.

Nova studija je pokazala da konzumiranje ugljenih hidrata uveče dovodi do manje dramatičnog povećanja nivoa šećera u krvi, nego unošenje istih namirnica za doručak.

Although pasta is often considered the enemy of a lean body, unlike other carbohydrates, spaghetti and macaroni have a low glycemic index, which is why it satisfies a person faster and keeps him full longer, which reduces calorie intake.

“Relying on the evidence, we can now say with certainty that pasta has no side effects on weight, when consumed as part of a healthy diet,” says the study’s lead author, Dr. John Sevenpiper.

Speaking about the results, he says that the study proved that “pasta does not contribute to excess weight or increase the amount of body fat”.

“Contrary to concerns, perhaps pasta could be part of a healthy diet, such as a diet with a low glycemic index.”

Michael Mosley says that for the line, it is better to eat pasta for dinner  than toast for breakfast.

A new study has shown that consuming carbohydrates in the evening leads to a less dramatic increase in blood sugar levels than eating the same foods for breakfast.


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